The Gun-Grabbers Lose. Forever.

May 08, 2013 08:00

According to Rebecca Morelle, "Working gun made with 3D printer," on the BBC news website.
The world's first gun made with 3D printer technology has been successfully fired in the US.

The controversial group which created the firearm, Defense Distributed, plans to make the blueprints available online.

Freedom has won.

It may take decades for the victory to be established, but what this means is that it is now obviously impossible for gun control to keep guns out of criminal hands.  (It was always impossible, but now it's so impossible that even liberals are going to have problems believing thatg they can do it).  This leaves disarming honest citizens as the only possible end of gun control, meaning that very few people are going to support it any more.

With the blueprints available online, no State can stop people from accessing them.  They  could try to ban 3D printers or the hard plastics needed to make firearms-quality parts, but all any government which does that will accomplish will be to choke off its own further industrial and technological development.

Obama and Holder are probably screaming "Noooo!  This CANNOT BE!" right now while streaks of glowing cracks are spreading across their bodies as they start to explode.  Or at least they would if this were anime ;-)

Oh, and I bet they're dropping bricks in Europe, or anywhere the Nanny State has sunk its tendrils.

This makes me just so very, very happy.

gun control, technology, fabricators

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