"Anonymous" Launching Cyber-Attacks Against Israel

Nov 19, 2012 22:58

According to Rym Momtaz, "Israel Combats Cyber Attacks During Gaza Offensive," ABC News


cyber-attackers have launched over 44 million attacks against Israeli websites, to little effect.

The dramatic spike comes after the loose hacking collective Anonymous announced online that it would be targeting Israeli websites "in retaliation for the mistreating of people in Gaza and other areas."

Anonymous, the same group that reportedly took out the CIA's public website for a few hours in February, claimed it had attacked approximately 10,000 Israeli websites, both government and private.


"For far too long, Anonymous has stood by with the rest of the world and watched in despair the barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people in the so called 'Occupied Territories' by the Israel Defense Force," Anonymous said in its statement last week. "Like so many around the globe, we have felt helpless in the face of such implacable evil. And today's insane attack and threatened invasion of Gaza was more of the same."

Needless to say, Anonymous finds nothing objectionable in the murder of Jews by Palestinians.

So, basically, Anonymous has decided to side with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.  This shows their true colors as enemies of all civilized men, beasts worthy of being shot on sight.

Good luck to Israel, and here's hoping that some Mossad agents introduce members of Anonymous to a form of real-world attack which overloads the molecular strength of the human (or in this case semi-human) skull with the momentum imparted by lead bullets.  If they want to take the part of terrorists, let them suffer the fate of terrorists -- early and unmourned deaths.

anonymous, israel, palestinians, terrorists, cyber attacks, gaza

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