They Hate Us For Our Freedoms

Sep 20, 2012 06:02

Back at the start of the Terrorist War, some people pointed out that the Muslims hated us for our freedoms.  And this was promptly shouted down by the Left as too simplistic.

It's occurred to me that the current spate of violence, supposedly-provoked by a silly movie in California and a bunch of cartoons in Paris, derives precisely from this cause.  Because America, and to an extent France, are free, some individuals in those countries will choose to say mean things about Islam -- and the government cannot under its own rule of law stop them.  This has happened before, is happening now, and will happen again and again and again as long as the West is free.

Insofar as the Muslim world considers such expressions of disrespect towards their religion and its founder to be acts of war, this is a perpetual cause of war between the West and Islam.

This can only end when either we abrogate our freedom of speech, or they mature past the point of becoming violently aggressive whenever someone makes fun of them.

Do you want us to abrogate our freedom of speech?  No?  Then, do you think it's safe for Muslim nations to be allowed to possess armies and navies and air forces, as if they were real, mature countries who understood that people in other countries might say mean things about their religion?  Do you think it's safe that at least one Muslim nation (Pakistan) has nuclear weapons, and another (Iran) is within a year of getting them?


Then what do you propose we do about it?  Because if we keep letting things drift, the way Clinton was and Obama is, the outcome is predictable.

cultural, religious, west, freedom of speech, terrorist war, islam

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