More Attacks on US Diplomatic Installations, Obama Dances While Flags Burn

Sep 14, 2012 16:53

So now there have been follow-on attacks against US Embassies in Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen:

In Tunis, at least three people were killed and more than two dozen wounded, state television said after police gunfire near the U.S. embassy in the city that was the cradle of last year's Arab Spring uprisings for democracy. At least one person died in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, a doctor said, after some of thousands of protesters had leaped into the U.S. embassy.
As U.S. military drones faced Islamist anti-aircraft fire over Benghazi, about 50 marines landed in Yemen a day after the U.S. embassy there was stormed. For a second day in the capital Sanaa, police battled hundreds of young men around the mission.

In Tunis, at least three people were killed and more than two dozen wounded, state television said after police gunfire near the U.S. embassy in the city that was the cradle of last year's Arab Spring uprisings for democracy. At least one person died in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, a doctor said, after some of thousands of protesters had leaped into the U.S. embassy.

As U.S. military drones faced Islamist anti-aircraft fire over Benghazi, about 50 marines landed in Yemen a day after the U.S. embassy there was stormed. For a second day in the capital Sanaa, police battled hundreds of young men around the mission.

Note the idiotic headline "Anti-American fury sweeps Middle East over film," as if the film really had anything to do with this.  But there's a more important point concealed in these stories, and uncommented on by the Reuters correspondent:

Despite the fact that these attacks happened days after the Al Qaeda linked strikes against the US diplomatic facilities in Egypt and Libya, there are no reports of American troops resisting mob entries into the compounds!!!

This is criminal negligence on the part of Barack Obama and possibly also Hillary Clinton.  They know that there is a coordinated international attempt to attack US diplomatic facilities underway.  They have had plenty of time to fly in more Marines and support weapons, even improvise field fortifications, and get at least some artillery and airpower in range.  Yet US forces have been doing nothing to impede the mobs, not even shooting those who actually enter the compound.

It has been our sheer good fortune that none of these follow-up strikes seem to have been very serious or well-armed.  Had the mobs wanted to slaughter everyone in the compound, we could have done little to prevent it:  I haven't even heard that the Marines have been yet permitted to discard the absurd rubber bullets and carry live ammo, even as an option.

The intent may have been to avoid creating "martyrs," even though we should well grasp by now that Muslims (and their sympathizers) will self-martyr with little we can do to stop them.  What it displays is weakness:  we would be doing much better from a public relations standpoint if there were Muslim women wailing over their slaughtered vaguely-human male-shaped dead things than if those very same vaguely-human things are alive and crowing over their invasions of US diplomatic compounds.  The former might piss off the Muslims, but it would also make them fear us:  the latter makes them contemptuous.

And frankly:  when are the Muslims not pissed off?  Why do we even bother to care about it any more?

Meanwhile, Obama hangs out with Beyonce and works on his dance moves.  I wonder who's actually running things right now in the White House, in the middle of this crisis?

(Btw, I apologize to Nero's ghost for that.  He was a bad Emperor -- but not as bad an Emperor as Obama is a President).

muslims, diplomacy, islamism, egypt, sudan, yemen, tunisia, terrorist war, libya, barack obama

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