Has anyone ever noticed the prevalance of what might be termed "spirit animals" as helpers to the heroines in Western animation?
The "spirit animal helper" is easily recognized. It attaches itself inexplicably to the heroine, either before the story or at some crucial moment of choice. It may look normal or strange for its kind: sometimes it looks normal but doesn't really belong in the area in which it is encountered. It displays unusual intelligence, will subtly (or not so subtly) influence its mistress to make the right choice at a moment of indecision; and has exceptional abilities to notice and often combat spiritual threats (such as demons summoned by the main villain). The heroine generally treats it as a pet or even best friend, though she may or may not be consciously aware of its nature and capabilities.
This is in addition to any
Friend to All Living Things qualities which the heroine may display. The heroine may be loved by animals, but this usually takes the form of normally-wild animals acting tame and friendly toward her. If a particular animal (wild or tame) hangs around with her almost constantly and (even more) if it acts directly to foil the villain's schemes, it is a Spirit Animal Helper.
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Fantastic Worlds.
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http://fantasticworlds-jordan179.blogspot.com/2012/08/spirit-animal-helpers-to-heroines-in.html">Fantastic Worlds