Obamacare Passed -- Welcome to Eurocare

Jun 28, 2012 09:52

The power to tax is the power to destroy. And the Federal Government has just acquired a bit more destructive power.

One of the consequences of this bill will be vast increases in the cost of health coverage for most Americans -- the law requires insurance companies not to discriminate on the basis of pre-existing conditions, which means that they will have to raise the insurance rates to at least the mean average of that previously charged. This will raise most people's rates, because this will be higher than the previous mode average. (If you don't know what I just said, look it up under "statistical averages" -- most of you will be finding out what it meant come 2014 in your wallets).

Another consequence will be that insurance companies will work harder than ever before to get people with serious medical conditions off their rolls. They will use every legal trick to accomplish this. They will have to, because they can no longer deal with the risk by raising the rates to compensate. A lot of people who thought they were going to get cheap private health care from Obamacare will instead find themselves having to deal with public health care.

The overall result is that we will have a two-tier health care system with a very sharp division between private health care, which will be for the rich, and public health care, which will be inexpensive but vastly overcrowded and staffed by low-quality personnel (because their salearies will also drop).

Obama and the Supreme Court have just turned our health care system into something which will, given time and the necessary cultural change (the retirement or movement into private practice of the higher-quality doctors) will greatly resemble that of the British. My only consolation at this disaster is that many of the Leftists who wanted a European-style health-care system will soon be learning the difference between that and the existing American system "on their own shrinking hides" (to paraphrase Ayn Rand in another context).

The only hope now is a Republican landslide in 2012, and not only in the White House but also both Houses of Congress. Of course, we can expect the MSM to spin this as "Republicans want Americans to die."

So here's hoping that the Republicans stage a heavy turnout in November. Because if we don't, Obama really may have left his mark on our country, and it may be a scar that never heals for the remainder of the life of our Republic.

Which will have just been shortened -- along with the lives of many of her citizens.

economics, america, healthcare, obamacare, politics, barack obama

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