A Source of Sad Wonder -- The Western Left's Abandonment of Muslim Women

Feb 05, 2012 13:46

When I saw that science fiction writer jaylake had posted the following article by Jonathan Lyons, "Islam, Women and the West," essentially dismissing the Western image of Muslim women as oppressed as a mere Orientalist delusion ( Read more... )

left, west, right, feminism, women, islam, women's rights

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polaris93 February 6 2012, 00:23:07 UTC
As others have said, the preferred position that the Left wants for women is . . . prone. They don't respect women, and if we didn't have laws and traditions here in the West preserving women's freedoms, the Left would no doubt treat women the same way they are treated in the Middle East as well as in some Western Muslim households, e.g., in Europe and even here in the USA. Feminism was only attractive to the Left as long as they could co-opt it. Lately Feminism -- in its latter-day incarnation -- has been utterly marginalized (which isn't true of old-style Feminism, which inherited Suffragism, which wanted only equal rights under the law). Why the Left despises women isn't clear, but that they do is incontrovertible. And this has deeply influenced their dismissive attitude to the evils visited on women in Muslim cultures.


dexeron February 6 2012, 05:42:23 UTC
Can't agree more. It seems that for some people, women are just tools to be used to further ideology. I won't go so far as to paint all feminism, or all liberalism with this brush, but when you run into people who seriously want to DEFEND the Islamic position on women, and call any criticisms of it "Islamophobia", then I'm sorry, but such a person has no right calling themselves a feminist or a friend of any woman.


polaris93 February 10 2012, 04:53:17 UTC
Couldn't have said it better. XD


gothelittle February 6 2012, 12:20:51 UTC
The ol' "take one for the team" mentality is indeed strong among Leftists when dealing with liberal politicians and movers/thinkers who abuse women.


marycatelli February 6 2012, 23:22:49 UTC
Witness OWS doing all it could, within the bounds of PC, to discourage reports of rape at the camps.


gothelittle February 7 2012, 13:18:56 UTC
Aye, and the way that the women were treated who dared accuse Clinton of harassment and/or rape.


polaris93 February 10 2012, 20:23:11 UTC
The Left sees women as commodities, things to be used -- and used up, and thrown away -- rather than as people.


cutelildrow February 12 2012, 23:49:31 UTC
That's utterly hair raising, you know? "Take one for the team," essentially 'forget any justice you are entitled to by law; we need this guy more than you. Now be a good girl and play the slut some more and make him happy. After all, there's no hope for you, so why not lie back and learn to enjoy it? You'll get the benefits in the end.'


gothelittle February 13 2012, 00:45:15 UTC
Yeah, you've pretty much pegged it.


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