Rich People Demanding Higher Taxes

Nov 17, 2011 07:25

Some people are confused (or enraged, or inspired) by the existence of rich people -- some of them very rich -- who call for higher taxes on the wealthy. Are they being stupid? Self-destructive? Nobly self-sacrificing?

No, to all of these.

The rich people who want higher taxes on the rich are well aware that taxes do not destroy the wealth of those who are ALREADY rich (because such persons can easily shelter their assets and to some extent even income on such assets). What they do is to make it more difficult for middle-class people to become rich. In other words, the rich people who want higher taxes on the rich are trying to make membership in their class more exclusive. This is a very old story, dating back to Ancient and Medieval sumptuary laws, and the goal for the rich is to make it more difficult for "common" folk to attain their status.

Those who occupy a high and desirable position, and respond to your attempts to ascend to this height by demanding that all the ladders be destroyed or at least thoroughly greased, are not your friends!

sociology, economics, history, psychology

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