Ten years ago today, it was the morning after an all-nighter. I was taking out the garbage outside my apartment in Little Egg Harbor, NJ. The skies were clear. Thunder rolled out of a cloudless sky. I looked around, but could see neither a stormcloud nor a supersonic airplane. And the sound was strangely protracted. I shrugged, went back
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It does kinda make ya wonder, sometimes.
Which America? We've become divided into the sane and the insane, and also into the government and everybody else (which aren't the same as that first dichotomy, since each of the latter overlaps both of the former). You pick.
Because of the repeated argument, explict and implicit, that this isn't a "real" war, or that the Muslim terrrorists aren't the "real" enemy.
For an example of the explicit argument that this isn't a "real" war, note the claims that one cannot declare war or authorize warlike operations against a non-governmental organization. This is untrue, as even a cursory examination of the history of military and naval campaigns against bandits and pirates illustrates.
For an example of the implicit argument that this isn't a "real" war, note the idea, now officially accepted by the US government (though fortunately rarely acted-upon) that we must provide "trials" for captured enemy personnel. In war, one normally holds prisoners until the cessation of hostilities or an agreed-upon exchange of captives ( ... )
The saying is false: many ideas have been killed by killing their adherents. Furthermore and more importantly, many ideas have been prevented from realization by acting forcibly against those who would attempt to realize them.
How does one even define "the enemy" any more?
Those States, NGO's and individuals who undertake or tangibly support warlike operations against the United States of America: in practice, this means up to a dozen or so Terrorist States, some larger number of organizations, and a loose group of individual sympathizers. Specifically including but not limited to Iran, North Korea, the Sudan, Syria: and Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
Note that Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are no longer on this list, because we rather decisively removed their Terrorist regimes.
Let alone while strictly adhering to the laws in place to protect innocent people.The laws are less ( ... )
Lone nuts aren't the main problem, because lone nuts rarely agree on goals or strategies. Where lone nuts are acting on the orders or advice of organizations, it is possible to go after those organizations (as we have motivated Yemen to do in the case of the traitor al-Awalaki).
This only gets worse as we rely more and more on external infrastructure, while at the same time technology empowers individuals (be they "good" or "evil" whatever those things even mean) with more and more information and resources with which to operate.Technology increases both the powers of attack and destruction, and of defense and reconstruction. This is obscured from popular awareness ( ... )
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