Why I Am NOT Into Group Identity Based Anthologies

Jul 30, 2011 07:33

Modem's repaired, so I resume Fantastic Worlds after a long hiatus.

We start with

Why I Am NOT Into Group Identity Based Anthologies

From time to time, one sees an anthology containing stories by authors all belonging to some similar group -- they are women, black, Jewish, Russian, whatever. And some of the stories, and indeed whole anthologies, may indeed be quite good.

Nevertheless, when I see such an anthology, I start from the assumption that it is probably not as good, on average, as an anthology based on some other criterion (such as subgenre or year of publication). Why do I have such a prejudice -- and am I being irrational?

My reason is simple. The more criteria one applies to a selecting a story, other than its quality, the greater the limitation on the set of stories from which one is selecting. This in turn means that the average quality of the highest-quality stories in the set is likely to go down.

read the rest at http://fantasticworlds-jordan179.blogspot.com/2011/07/why-i-am-not-into-group-identity-based.html

opinion, fantastic worlds, essay

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