Doing Something About Climate Change

Jun 24, 2011 07:32

Recently, chris_gerrib accused me of not taking a stand on what we should do about anthropogenic climate change, saying in one of the threads from this entry

9 out of 10 people use the "can't be sure" argument as an excuse to do nothing. Try harder ( Read more... )

nuclear power, space colonization, climate change, future, technology

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banner June 25 2011, 02:29:39 UTC
1) Yes. The head global climate guy at NASA has been caught faking or adjusting data. More than once. Yet they won't fire him. NASA rarely does science when it comes to our planet anymore, they only do politics.

2)rather interesting that water vapor doesn't appear on that chart. Also, given the amount of data that gets 'adjusted' by AGW people, I'd like to see what the real scientists say. You know, the ones who haven't been caught faking data.

3)I don't consider most of the AGW people to be scientists. After all, when I went to college, if you got caught faking data you were stripped of your degree. Also I wasn't talking about the use of CO2 in soda, but about other fields, like in medical usage.

4) Same way they irrigate California obviously. Of course your assumption that Iowa would turn to desert is based on what happened during one of the many global warming periods in the past. The only reason it isn't a desert now (which after the dust bowl it probably should have become) was because people worked to keep it from becoming one.

5) You throw up cute things you find on the web. I don't think you've ever done science in your life. Hell your response to this number originally really had nothing to do with my statement. I was talking about the nuclear winter model. Do you even know what percentage of the atmosphere is made up of co2? or how much is h2o?

6) the system is a lot more complex that you seem to realize.

7) Climate doesn't seem to be warming to me. I hope it is, but I haven't seen any proof of it.

And no, it's not so much a conspiracy theory as just asshats like yourself who create nothing in their life and try to make themselves feel bigger and better about themselves by running around crying 'wolf' and trying to tear down society.

We saw it with DDT, the Ozone hole, second hand smoke, and many other things. All bullshit, not a drop of science behind them, and we are all expected to make great sacrifices so people like you can feel good about yourself. Well you know what? I'm not falling for it anymore, if you can NOT prove it clearly and decisively without relying on faked data, and other frauds, you're just full of shit and every time you open your mouth only brown stuff comes out.

There has been so much active fraud by ALL of the 'big names' on the AGW team that at this point, you have a lot of stuff to overcome to even begin to be taken seriously. After all, if there was any TRUTH to the whole AGW thing, why are all of the people leading it LYING and FAKING all of their evidence?

If ten years from now we're in the heart of another ice age I'm sure you'll still be prattling on about global warming from your igloo. You have lost this argument because your side lies. Constantly. So every time you put up anything of course I'm going to dismiss it out of hand. You're all proven liars and I'm tired of doing the research as the last twenty times I did it, I found your side was lying. So now I'm supposed to believe you?

Right, pull the other one.


chris_gerrib June 25 2011, 15:44:58 UTC
The most politically-conservative guy I know spent the last 30 years as a researcher at Argonne National Labs. He's also scrupulously honest. So, calling all climate researchers "lying frauds" because they are "leftists" doesn't fly for me.

Which leaves me in a quandry - do I believe a group of experts who have been researching and experimenting for decades, or some guy on the Internet who blogs with one name?


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