"White Feminist Privilege in Organizations" - an Adventure in Hilarity

May 28, 2011 01:22

Courtesy of firecat at http://firecat.livejournal.com/716757.html,

this is freaking hilarious. Semi-true, but also hilariousFrom Hepshiba's Pad at ( Read more... )

racism, america, privilege, feminism, culture

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cutelildrow May 29 2011, 02:58:47 UTC
I'm amused, but unfortunately one DOES encounter this. It's why I don't want to talk to such people any more. Why, no, I'm not grateful you want to dictate my life and opinions to me. Why should I be?

Besides, those same people would see my balanced partnership with a man as a BETRAYAL OF ALL THAT IS FEMINIST... and yeah. e_e


jordan179 May 29 2011, 18:01:39 UTC
Oh yes, I'm not saying that the attitude of the white feminists isn't real. I'm saying that it stems from their own arrogance, rather than their "white privilege" -- and that they are more racist than they care to acknowledge. Part of the reason for the claim of all-encompassing and unavoidable white "privilege" is that it lets white racists off the hook.

"Alas, I acted on my inherent and unavoidable white privilege when I dismissed your ideas as coming from a Mere Little Brown Person. I am aware of my white privilege and will now listen to you in silence to show respect."

Except that it isn't really "respect" they're showing. It's that they don't think what the other person is saying to them is really worth a reply. One respects someone by taking what someone says seriously, for good or bad, and engaging with their ides. Including criticizing the other person when one disagrees.

Going "Oh, you're so special. Let's listen to your special ideas in silence," and then going on afterward as if no point had been made is quite ( ... )


cutelildrow May 30 2011, 03:23:24 UTC
As I illustrated here with a firsthand, personal experience of such ugly feminists.


polaris93 May 30 2011, 03:52:47 UTC
I wonder what they'd think if they knew that there are women out here who believe that they've betrayed life itself -- noy in the sense that some fundamentalists would use the phrase, but rather in the sense that they've betrayed their entire species and all life on Earth. My bet is that their reaction would be that life has betrayed them, that they are entitled to enslave all other life and be able to order it to do anything they wanted.

Women like that, and their male hangers-on, have forgotten what their brains are for, what life itself is for. They're living in a fantasy-land from which they can never return, because they've lost the road back to sanity.


ext_531464 June 1 2011, 15:10:21 UTC
With these opinions coming from people like you, they'd probably dismiss them.

Even if it was someone else saying it, they'd probably dismiss something as out there as a claim they've betrayed life itself.


jordan179 June 1 2011, 18:49:38 UTC
With these opinions coming from people like you, they'd probably dismiss them.

So you're saying they'd reason by means of ad hominem? If so, this is hardly testatement to their grasp of logic or reality.


ext_531464 June 1 2011, 19:16:21 UTC
It's still a stupid opinion and anyone who thinks feminists have betrayed life itself should feel bad.


jordan179 June 1 2011, 19:31:31 UTC
This is an assertion on your part, not an argument. I could, on demand, argue either side of the case ... radical feminists "have betrayed life" because they reject hetrosexuality, which is how babies are produce, and argue that all women should do likewise, which "betrays life" by rejecting the continuation of our species; or, alternately, that they side with "life" over the "death culture of the male patriarchy."

Note that in each case I have given a logical reason (in the second case, a rather silly reason, but still a reason) to support my claim. That is how one makes an "argument."

I'm not sure how you graduated college without learning how to do this. In your physics classes, did they tell you why the "ether" theory of electromagnetic wave transmission across a vacuum was wrong, or did they just tell you that "it's a stupid opinion and anyone who thinks that there's an ether should feel bad" ...? Note the difference.


ext_531464 June 1 2011, 19:34:11 UTC
That use of logic has only taught me that logic is a flawed tool at best.


ext_531464 June 1 2011, 19:35:56 UTC
And there's a huge fucking difference between physics and antifeminism. Physics is based on reality, antifeminism should be thrown in the dustbin along with phrenology and genetic memories.


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