Neil Snyder, in "Obama's Strategy? He Doesn't Have One?" in the April 14th, 2011 American Thinker ( points out a specific aspect of our Emperor's lack of clothes.
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The Democratic leadership realized that Obama projected the right image (incorruptible New Man of the Hour) better than did Hilary Clinton (who had damaged her reputation in defense of her husband one too many times). Also, the larger Democratic leadership may have been taken in by Obama's sub-faction: their habits of political correctness may have blinded them to the very concept of "Communist infiltration" and made them wary of challenging the credentials of a properly-liberal black man.
The Clintons illegally pulled FBI files to deal with enemies. But they sat down for the Party CHOOSING Barry despite that Hillary had the popular vote?
I think that Hilary saw that if she fought Obama to the bitter end in 2008 she'd split the party and lose the general election even if she won the nomination. By compromising, she kept her options open: if Obama lost in 2008 she could run in 2012; if he won in 2008, regardless of the outcome in 2012 she could run in 2016. It makes strategic sense, given how seriously fanatical the Obama supporters were in 2008, and how prejudiced the Democrats are against any white politician who falls afoul of a black one.
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