Napolitano Considering Letting Muslim Women Pat THEMSELVES Down at Airports!

Nov 19, 2010 11:18

According to Jack Minor, in the November 17th, 2010 Greeley Gazette (

The head of Homeland Security has indicated the government is considering the request of an Islamic organization that has suggested Muslim women be allowed to pat themselves down during a full body search that is part of new enhanced procedures at airports.

How is this wrong? Let us count the ways.

(1) Any such policy restricted to Muslim women would violate the First Amendment, since it would alter legal liabilities based purely upon which religion was practiced by the person to be searched. There is no sane public-welfare reason for which this violation could be justified, since

(2) The group to be exempted from the pat-down by others would be the group second most likely to be terrorists (the most likely group would of course be Muslim men), making the proposed policy an incredibly bad idea from a pragmatic point of view and in addition

(3) Given past known tactics on the part of Muslim terrorists (tricking girlfriends into carrying bombs onto airplanes, terrorizing and degrading women to the point where they assumed that jihad would be their only redemption, etc.) this would make it fairly easy for Muslim men to get bombs or weapons onto airplanes as well.

And why is Napolitano considering any policy this insane? According to the report

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, has expressed concern with the TSA over the regulations and recommended special procedures for dealing with Muslim women. The organization issued a travel advisory for Muslims over the procedure.

In the advisory CAIR advises all Muslims to contact them and file a complaint with the TSA if they experience any “disturbing incidents” with the new procedures and they feel they have been unfairly singled out for screening.

It goes on to make special recommendations for Muslim women wearing a hijab covering their face. The advisory says women are to inform the officer they are only to pat down the head and neck and says “They should not subject you to a full-body or partial body pat-down.” They also recommend that women should be permitted to pat themselves down and “have the officers perform a chemical swipe of your hands.”

Barack Obama’s Homeland Security Czar, Janet Napolitano, is considering changes to the procedures to address the issues raised by CAIR.

Which shows Janet Napolitano to be terminally incompetent. Why should advisories or complaints by CAIR, a non-governmental organization which is among other things backed by the Islamic Brotherhood, be allowed to trump national security? Who is CAIR to be setting policy for the TSA, or for any other governmental agency? Why are the complaints of CAIR being treated more seriously than the complaints of non-Muslim, non-Terrorist linked organizations? Why are we taking directions from the enemy as to how we are to conduct our side of the war?

What this clearly shows is either that the X-ray scanners and the body searches have little to do with national security, or that the Obama Administration is incompetent to the point of misfeasance, and possibly malfeasance in office. If there is a legitimate security reason for the searches -- if they are actually stopping terrorists, rather than providing jobs, loot from passengers, and cheap thrills to incompetent security wannabees -- then the last thing one would do is exempt Muslims as a group from these searches. If there is not a legitimate security reason for the searches, then why the hell are we doing them?

We have reached the final absurdity. We are harassing and humiliating those unlikely to be terrorists, in the name of security, while letting those who are most likely to be terrorist walk onto the airplanes unchecked.

We need to stop this, admit that this is folly, and commence to engage in sane profiling, of the sort engaged in successfully for DECADES by Israel.

tsa, airport security, janet napolitano

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