When the evil, puritanical United States of America tried to extradite Roman Polanski, Famous Director, for the grubby little "crime" of drugging and then forcibly raping a thirteen-year-old girl, who was not a Famous Director, Switzerland stood up and boldly refused to let this great man have his life ruined for such a trivial offense. But Switzerland, brave little Switzerland, stood up to the wicked American bullies who actually had the temerity to argue that a nobody had rights which had to be respected ... (oh, it is to laugh at the absurdity of the American position) ... and denied the extradition on technical grounds.
(Reuters, "Roman Polanski Freed as Swiss Deny Extradition,"
Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said she had decided against extradition because of potential technical faults in the U.S. request and also because Polanski had for years come to Switzerland in good faith.
Darn tootin! And Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf is a Justice Minister! If anyone ever did anything to her -= or her daughter -- she would get justice, as befits her high status. But she's making sure that important men keep their inherent right to rape litle nobodies, as is the right and proper order of life.
"He is a free man since 1130 today," she told a news conference in Switzerland's capital Berne. "He can go to France or to Poland, anywhere where he will not be arrested."
Of course not. After all, it's not like he did anything for which one should be arrested. Why, the girl was obviously a trollop -- she was alone with Polanski. What else was he supposed to do, aside from rape her?
Widmer-Schlumpf said Washington could appeal the decision internationally but she did not expect that to happen.
Why would our Lightworker, the Obamessiah-in-Chief, even want to appeal the decision internationally? I'm sure that he understands that European justice is far more enlightened than our own, and is properly submissive to its dictates.
Just as thirteen-year-old Nobodies should be properly submissive to Famous Directors. I mean, the girl actually physically resisted, and said "No." How dare she have done that? Didn't she realize the honor she was being offered? Why, the girl should have been prosecuted for her temerity!
And, now, some enlightened Europeans sounding in on their love of justice:
Switzerland has found the path to reason...What a beautiful lesson in democracy," said Bernard Henri-Levy, philosopher and a close friend, who led calls for Polanski's freedom.
As everyone should know but it takes an eductated philosopher to point out, a core component of the definition of "democracy" is the maintenance of distinct social classes with privilege at law, so that an Aristocrat of the Mind like Polanski (or Henri-Levy) can rape any number of unimportant little thirteen-year-old girls and not expect to be held responsible for it by some boring bourgeoisie lawyers. Thank you, Monsieur Henri-Levy, and we will all take this into account when evaluating your future moral pronouncements.
"I am delighted with the decision," French Foreign Affairs Minister Bernard Kouchner said. "The great Franco-Polish director will from now on be able to rejoin his friends and family and work fully on his artistic projects."
Because that's what's really important. Working fully on his artistic projects. No matter whether or not he commits some piddling little technical illegality such as forcible rape, right?