Obama Offends Australia and Indonesia

Mar 19, 2010 16:57

Barack Obama has canceled a state visit to Australia and Indonesia, rescheduling it for June 2010, supposedly because of the Obamacare debate.

("Now for the Slaughter," Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal, March 20, 2010, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704207504575130081383279888.html)

Excuse me, but it is embarrassing-really, embarrassing to our country-that the president of the United States has again put off a state visit to Australia and Indonesia because he's having trouble passing a piece of domestic legislation he's been promising for a year will be passed next week. What an air of chaos this signals to the world. And to do this to Australia of all countries, a nation that has always had America's back and been America's friend.

Indeed. First of all, assuming that he reads his own schedule (you'd think that the Most Important and Smartest God-King-Messiah What Ever Was could bother to do so), he knew that the visit was upcoming, and when. And assuming that he's coordinating this at all with Nancy Pelosi, the Most Important and Smartest First Female Speaker of the House That Ever Was, they could have avoided scheduling the voting for the same time as a major international visit.

Australia is in fact one of our most faithful allies, and has been in its own right since World War II. They sent troops to Vietnam and again to the Mideast. They have consistently supported us in the UN. They are in short, a major Regional Power we should really not be offending.

The president "regrets the delay"-the trip is rescheduled for June-but "passage of the health insurance reform is of paramount importance." Indonesia must be glad to know it's not.

Now, Indonesia is most definitely not a close friend, but it's also a major Regional Power -- in fact, between them Australia and Indonesia mostly dominate the islands off Southeast Asia. What makes Obama's obnoxiousness toward Indonesia especially amusing is that Indonesia is the country where little Barry Soetoro, not yet "reinvented" by his airheaded radical chic mother into Barack Hussein Obama, mm mm mm, attended elementary school. I wonder if this is delayed revenge on Obama's part for an unpleasant educational experience? But I digress.

The reporters didn't even provoke or needle in their questions. They seemed hushed. They looked like people who were absorbing the information that we all seem to be absorbing, which is that the wheels seem to be coming off this thing, the administration is wobbling-so early, so painfully and dangerously soon.

Being the Washington Press Corps, of course, they've been following the Obamessiah's exploits in greater detail than have I, so they must be aware of his repeated offenses to various American allies, to wit Brazil ("Obama Offends Brazil," Britain ("Obama sends back bust of Churchill," http://jordan179.livejournal.com/113890.html); Brazil (http://jordan179.livejournal.com/115552.html), Germany ("Obama Offends Germany," http://jordan179.livejournal.com/152391.html), Honduras (http://jordan179.livejournal.com/132035.html#cutid1), and Israel (http://jordan179.livejournal.com/157121.html etc.) among others. This must be painful to people who by and large supported, and still support, Obama; and who imagined that he was going to be diplomatically-brilliant.

I'm sure that the rest of the world is going to love Obama, and us, for being treated like a TV show that can be turned off when one has something important to do. I'm guessing that right about now, Australia and Indonesia are wishing they were dealing with George W. Bush, who was quite aware (unlike Obama) that Not Only America Is Real.

indonesia, america, diplomacy, australia, barack obama

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