Do "the People" in Arab Countries Really Want Peace?

Feb 23, 2010 08:56

We are often told that, whatever tyrants and terrorist leaders may want, "the people" of the Arab countries really want peace with Israel. Michael I. Krause, in "What Do Muslim Nations Think About Terrorists," American Thinker (http://www. ( Read more... )

palestine, turkey, iran, israel, lebanon, egypt, indonesia, demographics, islam

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bdunbar February 23 2010, 19:50:50 UTC
I'll copy that link for later, with thanks.

As far as the Arab peoples are concerned, war with Israel is desirable, and Iran is significant primarily as an ally.

But whey do they feel this way? Is it down to agit-prop by their government? You tell a guy in school and on the media and in folk-stories that the Jews are bad and evil and must be done away with.

And .. hey sure 'nuff that's how they feel. Even if you turn off the tap they're going to pass that along to their kids.

Maybe it's the middle-class American in me but ... I can't shake the feeling that left to themselves people just want to get along, raise kids, put some money in the bank and cheer for the Packers on the weekend.


banner February 23 2010, 20:11:29 UTC
It's their culture, it's human nature. Left to themselves... Wait a minute! They were left to themselves for thousands of years! What did they do? Why they slaughtered each other!

The middle east is a harsh environment, the competition for survival is high. So you kill off the competitors. Yes things are better now than before, but if they kill off everyone else, things will be even better!

Look, the whole european idea of 'cooperation makes all us successful' is alien to them. Human life has no value to them. None of those people would hesitate to take an action that would kill his neighbor if it meant a little better life, or a little more power. So you can imagine how they feel about people who 'aren't real because they're not here'. They're not much different than a pact of feral dogs.


operations February 23 2010, 20:35:40 UTC
I stopped caring about them fuckers a long time ago. Nuke em all, speed them on to their 'Allah'. It's what they really want.


jordan179 February 24 2010, 14:06:04 UTC
I do think that there is a useful role for the strategy of changing political opinions of Muslim populations through propaganda, but I also think that it should be secondary to our real war objectives. Which is to say, we should remain aware that we are civilized, they barbarian, and thus should not consider changing our policies to please them.


bdunbar February 24 2010, 15:26:39 UTC
And they are WINNING.


jordan179 February 24 2010, 14:04:00 UTC
Indeed ... this ethic is at the heart of what is wrong with the Middle East. Because the vast majority of the population does not even grasp the rational advantages of benevolence (or even tolerance), but instead considers its display a sign of possible weakness, there is no rejection of tyranny. Quite the contrary -- a successful tyrant is admired, and even a failed tyrant can be admired if he showed "strength" by horribly doing to death dissidents.

The reason for this is probably a combination of Islam and the fact that most of the Mideast has spent most of its history subject to great tyrants, so that any alternative political attitude was winnowed out through cultural natural selection.


bdunbar February 27 2010, 07:15:40 UTC
They're not much different than a pact of feral dogs.

Your rejection of their humanity is alien, repugnant and distasteful in such a deep way that I find it hard to put into words.

Anyone who can condemn an entire group of people as un-human - if sincere and not posing - is mere steps away from gas chambers and genocide.


banner February 27 2010, 21:21:13 UTC
Wow, and you call me racist, you run right to gas chambers and genocide. Project much do we?

Go live with them for a year. Tell me what you think afterward (just remember to be careful you don't get killed in the process). People in the middle eastern arab & persian countries do not value life. At all. It's their culture. And as a culture that is sub-standard to ours I am free to mock it all that I want. Freedom of speech and expression you know, one of those great european white man ideas that gets you killed horribly in the M.E.

You however are incapable of free and independent thought, and can not recognize the facts that are plain for all to see. You believe in such twaddle as 'moral equivalence' that holds it's okay for people to act like a pack of wild animals because you are too worthless a person to pass judgment on anything. I however will continue to call a spade a fucking shovel.


banner February 27 2010, 21:25:19 UTC
Sorry if that went over the top, however I do not appreciate being called a racist for simply pointing out the truth. You need to realize that no, left to themselves many cultures happily kill everyone else around. And most of those cultures follow Islam, because that is what Muslims have always done.

Read you history.


bdunbar March 2 2010, 03:33:18 UTC
I know, in only the poor and halting way that I can, a few people from that part of the world, and I've traveled a bit. And this is hardly the place to tout our various credentials about who has lived where and knows more of this kind of people or that. And besides - dick-measuring contests are tawdry, don't you think?

Every assumption about me that you outlined above is incorrect. So hurray for assumptions!

I didn't call you racist. Racism by definition means that you accept a common humanity, but place yourself above others, by virtue of your race. What you wrote that I objected to was ..

They're not much different than a pact of feral dogs.Which implies a belief that millions of people - women, men, children, the innocent and the fell alike - are animals. Sub-human. This is an interesting attitude to hold - one I might have expected to find on the frontier of Texas in the 19th century, the frontier in Kentucky earlier in our history .. or anywhere one finds two cultures bumping against each other in violent conflict ( ... )


jordan179 March 2 2010, 16:37:36 UTC
I hold the opinion that modern Muslim countries are, on the average, much less civilized and more aggressive than are modern Western countries, based upon what I have read, watched, and otherwise absorbed through every means I have available. I do not believe that this is because they are "sub-human" ... sadly, their behavior is well within human norms, and is not even the worst possible human behavior (Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Red China, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, and some other countries hold that unenviable distinction). It's not racial, it's cultural.


jordan179 March 1 2010, 17:42:40 UTC
The Palestinian Arabs are definitely human. Unfortunately, they are an illustration of just how bad the worst of humanity can be. Their inferiority is cultural, not biological, and they are worse than the majority of Arabs because they are a population self-selected for evil, insanity and stupidity.

To wit: Good people would not continue the war agianst Israel, because Israel is in the right. Sane people would not continue the war against Israel, because the causes is hopeless. And smart people would find something better to do with their lives than to throw them away in a bad and hopeless cause.

For all I know, the concentration of vice in Gaza and the West Bank may be so extreme that, on the average, the Palestinians are genetically inferior. It's an interesting socio-biological experiment, which sadly due to the leftist sympathies of most in academia will never have its results taken.


bdunbar March 2 2010, 03:18:37 UTC
For all I know, the concentration of vice in Gaza and the West Bank may be so extreme that, on the average, the Palestinians are genetically inferior.

I believe the argument that genetics is responsible for criminality, low intelligence and vice was pretty much tossed to the curb with the Jukes and the Kallikaks before the Second World War.

Unless you're saying that criminality and etc. causes genetic malaise the way reaching into the trees caused a Lamarkian giraffe's descendents to stretch their necks?


jordan179 March 2 2010, 05:14:45 UTC
No, I'm saying that if a population is selected for heritable characteristics, the occurrence of those characteristics will be higher in the children of that population than in a population not selected for these characteristics. And the population of self-identified Palestinian Arabs is rather demonstrably selected for stupidity and insanity, because smart and sane Arabs get out of the West Bank and Gaza.


jordan179 February 18 2011, 19:59:25 UTC
Oh, and by the way, genetics is one of the main causes of low intelligence. (The other is childhood development, particularly nutritional).


jordan179 March 2 2010, 16:41:02 UTC
Your rejection of their humanity is alien, repugnant and distasteful in such a deep way that I find it hard to put into words.

Anyone who can condemn an entire group of people as un-human - if sincere and not posing - is mere steps away from gas chambers and genocide.

Shall I assume that you also find the Palestinian Arabs "alien, repubnant and distasteful?" After all, they "condemn an entire group of people as un-human" -- care to guess just which group they so condemn? And they admire as their founding national hero a man who was a willing ally of the very regime which we most associate with "gas chambers and genocide," see

on Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and his serious wartime alliance with Nazi Germany.


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