If it wasn't so horrible, this would be downright funny. Heck, it is downright funny. One might also reflect that my headline, if run in Britain, could lead to the arrest of the editor. Here's hoping that Britain will once again be free ...
From Steve Wright, "Judge jails Keighley men for total of 12 years," The Telegraph and Argus,
http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/4876725.Terror_gang_jailed_over_vicious_attack/?ref=mri Apparently Mohammed Shabir, Mohammed Junaid Miah, Mohammed Habib Ullah, and Mohammed Kabir Bashir led a gang of at least 9 other men travelled to the house of Mohammed Tariq and his brother Mohammed Jamil, and attacked them in the street, beating them severely yet incompetently (both survived) with various blunt weapons, for some unknown reason. The perps were obviously career criminals.
I don't actually know what to say about this. There are so many POSSIBLE things I could say about this, but I'll merely present it for everyone's possible edification -- another incident in the annals of the Religion of Peace.