(no subject)

Dec 07, 2009 09:36

richardthinks in http://richardthinks.livejournal.com/218226.html?view=531570#t531570 has unwittingly pointed out an obvious means of retaliation against the Somali pirates.

From "Somali sea pirates lure investors at pirate lair," (Mohammed Ahmed, Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B01Z920091201?sp=true):

In Somalia's main pirate lair of Haradheere, the sea gangs have set up a cooperative to fund their hijackings offshore, a sort of stock exchange meets criminal syndicate.

... now the gangs in Haradheere have set up an exchange to manage their investments.

One wealthy former pirate named Mohammed took Reuters around the small facility and said it had proved to be an important way for the pirates to win support from the local community for their operations, despite the dangers involved.

The long and the short of it is that the pirates have set up a regular trading exchange, where their ill-gotten gains can be sold and shares can be traded in their next expedition. The former small fishing port has become a thriving town, with a good deal of the money from piracy invested into local infrastructure.

Haradheere, 400 km (250 miles) northeast of Mogadishu, used to be a small fishing village. Now it is a bustling town where luxury 4x4 cars owned by the pirates and those who bankroll them create honking traffic jams along its pot-holed, dusty streets.

Somalia's Western-backed government of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed is pinned down battling hard-line Islamist rebels, and controls little more than a few streets of the capital.

The administration has no influence in Haradheere -- where a senior local official said piracy paid for almost everything.

Another way of putting this is that the pirates now rule Haradheere, which is no longer de facto part of Somalia.

Which means that the Somali government has neither the right nor the capability to prevent other countries from striking.

The existence of Haradheere as a dedicated pirate base, its infrastructure funded by piracy, means that we now have a TARGET. Three broad options are possible:

(1) Air Campaign

Strike Haradheere. Destroy every building put up since the start of the piracy campaign. Launch follow-up raids to ensure that the damage is not repaired, fires not put out, etc. Repeat with any new town chosen as a pirate haven. After a while, the pirates won't be quite as popular in the local communities.

The advantage of an air campaign is that Good Guy losses (and hence real political cost) will be virtually nil. The disadvantages are that (a) you don't get to Follow the Money, and (b) you kill a lot of innocents or near-innocents (how "innocent" is someone choosing to live in New Port Royal, anyway?)

(2) Ground Raid

Strike Haradheere with a battalion or two. Capture those participating in the pirate financial network, take them back to New Git'mo (where ever Hopey Changey decides) for long conversations regarding their financial dealings. Capture the financial records, start getting ready for confiscations and arrests of those who dealt with the pirates, internationally. On the way out, demolish everything in the town, leave it a smoking ruin. Repeat as necessary to the next Pirate Town.

The advantage of this is that we bag prisoners and financial records. The disadvantage is that we probably take some losses (albiet very minor ones).

(3) Occupation

Strike Haradheere and the surrounding area in divisional or better strength. Capture everyone who looks like they may be connected to the piracy, seize everything that looks relevant. Instead of demolishing infrastructure, build it. Drive out the Muslim fundamentalist rebels and aid the Somali government in reconstruction.

The advantage of this is that it solves the problem of Somali piracy for generations to come. The disadvantage is that it takes serious money, and there will be losses for the Cindy Sheehan looney crowd to cry over.

Three possible options. What do you think?

Oh, and thanks again, richardthinks, for the idea. Just think, if the meme spreads and we really do some of this, you'll share in the honor of having inspired it! :D

somalia, crime, piracy, terrorism, military

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