Sep 02, 2004 20:29
Well, today was another crappy rainy day. I'm not in any mood to study and if I try all efforts are in vain because I forget anything I review anyway. What the hell's wrong with me? My memory's like a damn siv! I often forget loads of important stuff and events happening in my life. Ugh... I think the stress is just getting to me... God I'm going to FAIL my exams aren't I?
Other just-f*ckin-great kind of news I got from my classmates. We're actually required to write a daily journal for our english subject, and gess what? Our teachers actually get to read them! Those nosy little busybodys.A stupid idea, and we're actually forced encouraged to treat it as a real journal/diary. That is just creepy, who would want their teachers prying into your private lives? But one things for sure, I'm not going to write any serious stuff in my journal. I'd just probably fill it up with the same BS I put in this journal. :-D :-P. Maybe the journal acually being forced upon us is a good thing, I will have a reference of things going on in my life whenever I forget! hehehe... But I still think the journal is a stupid idea.
Heh... I'd probably be updating this thing more often then.