Sep 21, 2007 23:52
if you wanted me to confess myself to you, what would i say. if i had to betray my darkest corners, deepest secrets what would they be. would it be that i am only what everyone around me is. could it be that im no individual, only a collection of others who call themselves the same. perhaps i would tell you that im scared. maybe i would say i do things because i want to be accepted. maybe i would tell you i am everything that i hate in others. maybe i would tell you that im jealous of so much. maybe i would tell you i was hateful and vindictive. or maybe i would tell you that im not much of anything at all. just a collection of thoughts, words, sayings, mistakes from all the people who surround me. maybe i would tell you that i am pathetic, sad and undeserving. and maybe i would be wrong. but i may be right. maybe i would tell you that i hate the truth. maybe i would tell you that the mirror is my greatest enemy. maybe i would tell you that i am only telling you in the hopes you tell me im wrong, and when you do, i would refuse to believe it anyway. maybe im hopeless, maybe i am missing a vital piece. but this is only if i were to tell you the deepest secrets of my darkest corners.