Laundry madness

Sep 29, 2011 13:10

*cross posted at fb*

‎*annoyed* every Wednesday I face the same issue... the boys' dirty clothes can fill up 1.5 loads in the machine and its scattered around their room. WHY can't they just put them in the laundry basket?? not like I'm making them do the laundry... ultimatum given. If this happens next week, I'm gonna refuse to wash whatever is not given.... then sit back and wait for the complaints of no clothes to wear come it. *evil grin

    • Jenn Newgent Just remember to turn your back on the mess of the rooms... I know its hard, have done the same thing with my kids. Now they actually do it, though took awhile.
      14 hours ago · Like

    • Joanna Peck trying to cool off... just so *pissed*
      14 hours ago · Like

    • Dayna Longwell Huzyak Let me know how it works out- my elder son is great about keeping up w/ room & laundry in hamper. Youngest- is just as you describe- but not sure that your solution will even work w/ him. After I gather laundry I get annoyed because of all the time I waste checking pockets & turning clothing right side out. GRRR!!!
      14 hours ago · Like

    • Joanna Peck so I'm not alone huh D... tell me they out grow this... s
      14 hours ago · Like

    • Renee Peters I did that with my step daughter when I kept finding the newly washed and folded clothes hiding under dirty ones in her hamper. Worked like a charm! I even got thank-you's when I started doing her laundry again :)
      14 hours ago · Unlike ·  1 person

    • Regina Chan Cool Joanna. Don't send your laundry to proper place = no laundry = no clothes to wear. I do that to my 7 year old. There are specific places to keep / hang used clothes. I catch it on the floor, I will ask if he wants it in the bin. I once threw his clothes into the bin and from then, no more throwing around. Key is you must carry out your threat. Don't be a NATO :p
      14 hours ago · Like ·  1 person

    • Joanna Peck I hear you Regina... I've been nagging for months now... time to really show them what they're doing... gotta remember to tell my part time helper tomorrow too... why can't they be like my girl? I know, I know... cos they're BOYS...
      14 hours ago · Like

  • Sherrie Yap ‎Joanna, make sure you carry out your threat. :) I train them really young and resist the temptation to clean up after them even if it is convenient for me. So I will get them to do it no matter what. Now it is a habit for them to put their dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Even my 18 month old does it (he probably thinks it is fun!) Your kids are a lot older but if you want to break this habit, you'd probably need to supervise them daily for awhile. Remember, it takes something like 6 weeks to break old habits and another 6 weeks to form new ones. And you can't expect what you don't inspect. Hope that helps. :)
    13 hours ago · Like ·  1 person

  • Joanna Peck Sherrie they were fine before... its just lately... especially after we rearranged closets... with the boys together... its like they're feeding off each other's laziness or something... sighz... yeah... will keep the whole 6 week thingy in mind... and chant "this *will* pass"
    13 hours ago · Like

  • Sherrie Yap ‎Joanna Hate to throw a wet blanket but this kind of thing may not pass. I have cousins who are still behaving that way at 20something years old and their mom is still nagging. Their mom also threatened not to wash their laundry but she caves in because they started buying new clothes when there are no more clothes to wear. Imagine that?! I told myself, I am going to house train my kids no matter what because it is so unbearable to live with a person who is not house trained!
    13 hours ago · Like ·  1 person

  • Joanna Peck ‎:O trust me... I won't let it get to that point! my kids *will* learn basic life skills... even if I have to kill them myself!
    13 hours ago · Like ·  1 person

  • Vivien Chong 那我们就开始吧!哈哈哈....
    13 hours ago · Unlike ·  1 person

  • Chen Yee Ju LoL same issues here!
    12 hours ago · Like

  • Alvin Chong Let me know when u wanna me to come in to the row. ><
    12 hours ago · Like

  • Barb Griffin lol at the exchange. i second what sherrie's wriitten. you need to only watch them with a (sad) but hard heart as they fish out dirty clothes to wear again (in my case it was school uniforms). assure its not gender specific since, cough, cough, we have exceptions here (names not mentioned to avoid embarrassment).
    8 hours ago · Like

  • Regina Chan ‎@barbs: er, it's quite easy to guess in your case :p
    7 hours ago · Like

  • Barb Griffin heehee regina, is it? (innocent)
    7 hours ago · Unlike ·  2 people

  • Jamie Soh Siew Peng Same experience here. However most get the message except for no.2. Think I should leave it to his future partner to nag. I sm sick of it.
    5 hours ago · Like

  • Joanna Peck ladies... thank you for your words of support, encouragement and shared experiences... its nice to know I'm not alone in my frustrations. Guess its all part and parcel of the parenting journey... *hugs to all*
    55 minutes ago · Like

    update on the vent from last nite...
    told the little boy to go change into going out clothes this morning. He disappeared and returned later carrying their designated laundry basket.
    K : see mummy... see
    Me : *looks into the basket and sees his sleep clothes* Good boy!!! I'm so happy you put your dirty clothes in the basket.
    K : *big happy contented satisfied grin*

    this kid of mine tries so hard and is soooo earnest and sincere... I pray he never loses that trait cos it'd do him good in the years to come.

khai, khen, jo

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