A rant and some squeeing

Mar 30, 2013 20:25

Tom will arrive late, late tonight (or early tomorrow morning)  and I'm being antsy from waiting around. It's still four or five hours to go. I hate waiting around and I'm not sure what to do. The TV seems to be broken, so not much I can do there. Grr. It's weird because it's not like I can't entertain myself on a normal evening; I commonly stay up until midnight or later if I got the chance. Knowing that I have to stay up late makes this like waiting for the clock to strike midnight on New Years Eve. Incredibly annoying!

In an attempt to pass the time I decided that I should write something in my journal. I guess I can start with the fact that I'm not well off financially; I had to pay $500 for an unexpected and unpleasant thing so that's where all my savings went. The rest of my money was spent on gifts for my sisters, dad and Tom who had their birthdays this month. At least my rent and all my bills are payed and I got enough money for food, and I guess that's all that matters. It is a bitch though to work hard and try to save money for a long time, and envision a time when you will have enough money saved that you can buy yourself something fancy, just to realized that you're going to have to spend those money on paying an unexpected bill. It pissed me off so much. Back on square one.

At least I got a chance to spend some of my earned money before I got the news that I needed to pay the £500. I spent a sum on getting  a new (ish, it was second-hand) phone, some money on getting something I had wanted for a long time for me and Tom (photos later because he doesn't know what it is yet) and doing some trips/excursions. Eventually I will get money for my involvement in the medical study, so it will work out. And I do like the things I bought. It just stresses me out that I have no savings and that I'm not sure the money I have will be enough. I can loan money from my parents if that should happen, but it is still really stressful.

I went to see mum yesterday and she acted weird. Or maybe not weird, just grr. I've said before that neither of my parents have ever really visited me in Linköping. Dad helped me move but he has never properly visited. Mum always complains if she doesn't get to see me "enough" when I visit Stockholm, even if she gets to see me far more than dad (granted he doesn't have much interest in seeing me). You'd think that since I'm the one who puts effort into visiting, both financially and otherwise, she would acknowledge this. But no. She asked me to come over as usual and when I show up she basically ignores me. Like I sit down at the table and she immediately talks to a friend on the phone. Then said friend comes over and they talk in the kitchen while I have nothing to do out in the living room. So disrespectful. I swear to god that I'm seriously considering moving to England and saying "I've visited you enough, if you want to see me it's your turn now".

Anyhow so that's today's rant. The good news is... I'M GOING TO SEE HUGH LAURIE!!! OMG. Again! Because I saw him when I went to the taping of Jay Leno in 2009. But this time I'm going to his concert in Oxford on June the 15th. Awesome! Eeeee!
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