(no subject)

Jan 22, 2013 20:28


Busy busy busy. I guess that's what happens when you chose to be in the student union, do an extra course and taking on some extra work outside school plus signing up for a bunch of studies. I'm hoping it will calm down soon. As it is right now I'm catching up on stuff on the weekend because I got the job, the extra course and other meetings during the days that take time from writing the master thesis. Doing a lot makes me feel good- at the moment- but I'm sure it will get to me eventually.

I started this "extra course" on Monday. I want to work with kids with handicaps and this would give me some extra credits in "handicaps, cognition and communication" which I hope will be of use when I'm looking for a job or when I start working. Unfortunately a lot of students applied for the course but then turned down their seats just before it was about to start,- leaving me and a classmates as the ONLY students of the course. I'm surprised they decided to have it anyway, must be a financial loss for the university. It certainly puts some pressure on me to take the course seriously.

On a more fun note, there's this facebook group for trading things in Linköping. I got a bit drunk last Saturday and made a drunken post about wanting to trade a CD and several cheeses in my fridge for some chocolate. To my surprise some people actually replied and an hour ago I traded away a cheddar and some blue mouldy cheese for a nice bar of chocolate. Score! The cheeses were remnants from when Tom visited and I don't eat fancy cheese alone (and blue mouldy cheese is not my favourite anyway) so I'm glad to be rid of them.

Nomming chocolate now. Life could be worse. :)
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