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Jan 11, 2013 21:54

Nomming candy on the couch. Friday evening could be worse. I'm glad I didn't make plans for tonight, because I had some insomnia last night which meant working on 4½ hours of sleep. It's doable when I'm focused but once I stop focusing I feel like I'm a human power surge. I had to do some testing during the morning, but once I got back I took a nap on my couch. Woke up completely disoriented due to sleeping during the day and being overheated after sleeping under a cover with all my clothes on.

This week has been fun. I have been doing a course in stuttering, where we got an assignment to go downtown and fake a stutter. This might sound a bit insensitive at first, but the reason behind it was so we would get some insight in how it feels to stutter and how people treat you, as well as simply practice it because it is something you do as a SLP when treating patients with a stutter. A lot of the current stuttering therapy involves training patients to not avoid situations where they stutter, so the therapy includes going downtown and talking to people with a fake stutter to show the patient that it's OK. That's a very basic description of something that's actually much more complex, but that's the reason in short for why Linköping for one day was invaded by 33 people with stutters. We were assignend to go to 5 stores and ask the workers about things as well as make one phonecall somewhere while talking with a stutter. We were urged to try out different types of stutters: S-some hardly noticible, s-s-s-s-s-s-oooome vvvve-vvveee-vvveeery severe. It was scary, because it felt like people would instantly know we were faking and wonder why the fuck we were faking a stutter. I don't think they did though!

Some of the guys in my class got some negative reactions, but they also did a very severe stutter. These guys are pretty confident and socialble, so I guess that maybe when the shopskeepers saw them they got the feeling they were faking because they didn't look/act like someone who had been suffering from such a severe impediment for a long while. Personally I think people were nice to me, although a couple of them treated me not quite like an adult. The girl I spoke to on the phone was probably a bit confused but polite. When I called her I started off the phone call by going "He- hee he-- hheee-..... hey" to see if she would hang up lol.

It was such an odd assignment that at the same time made a lot of sense. What we were doing felt so absurd, like we were on a school mandated mission to prank people.

So today was the end of the "fall" semester. We're having one week's "break" before the spring semester start, but since we are writing our master thesis this semester we don't have much scheduled schoolwork, which means I might as well start next week as I'm going to be testing kids then anyway. Unfortunately a lot of people are visiting home so I'm going to be a bit lonely. I'm seeing Nico tomorrow at least.
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