(no subject)

Dec 26, 2012 16:28

Merry Christmas! God Jul!

I'm typing from the kitchen in my younger sister's flashy flat in the middle of Stockholm. The kitchen window faces a balcony we share with some neighbours and I managed to take off my bra and pull it out from under my dress just as one of the neighbours walked by the window.

Christmas has come and gone and the weather is unpredictable as always. I walked around town today for the Boxing Day sales (although its not called boxing day in Sweden) and everywhere snow and icicles were falling off the rooftops. Friggin' dangerous! Tom is visiting tomorrow so I was shopping for his last gift. Nothing I have gotten him this Christmas is particularly amazing or original, but I'm not really expecting anything great from him either. I did buy a couple of things that he wished for so he should be happy.

Mum has moved into a new flat and the whole family is gathered, even my older sister who lives in the south of Sweden. I'm happy with how Christmas turned out. Sometimes I place too much importance on celebrations being meaningful and about experiencing that warmth that I don't see the small signs of meaningfulness and closeness. Anyhow, people seemed happy with the gifts I gave them which makes me happy. I once again gave away hand-painted glass that I've made, but I'm thinking I need to make something else the next time I gift a family member because there is such a thing as too much glass. I like the gifts I got as well. For example I got some stuff for the kitchen that I wouldn't have bought for myself (mini-pie shapes and mini-pots) but I find very exciting.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. When I get back to Linköping and Tom is gone I will probably post a bit more frequently than I have during the last couple of weeks! I'm really excited about the ending of Fringe even though I think the writers messed up by sticking to the "new" timeline where Astrid and Walter don't have the same memories as Olivia and Peter. By the way, Astrid should totally get more scenes. She has hardly shown any reaction whatsoever to leaving her old life behind and finding herself in this dystopia. What about her dad, shouldn't she want to find out what happened to him? I'm less annoyed about how everyone is coddling the "child" observer who isn't even a child. I can't recall how long he stayed with that family but surely he's at least 20. Creepy!
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