(no subject)

Nov 28, 2012 21:05

So my last internship started yesterday. Unfortunately, I had MASSIVE insomnia the night between Monday and Tuesday. I went to bed at 11pm. Around 0:30am I decided to read since I couldn't sleep, so I lay in bed reading, and I guess around 1:30am I got up and made myself a sandwich and some tea and sat down in the living room reading until 4:00. Then I finally felt tired and slept... until I had to get up at 6:30am. I fucking hate insomnia. It starts off as a stress thing that turns into strong frustration. I can't sleep frustrated, it is impossible.

Anyhow, so far the internship is going well. The first day was hard because I was so tired I had trouble staying awake during patient visits. How bad would it be to be caught sleeping when there is a patient in the room?! Sitting in on patient visits IS interesting, but usually you're just watching and taking notes so it is not terribly active. It is the same during lecture in lecture halls with low oxygen in the air, it is really difficult to stay awake. The horrible thing is that I actually get so close to sleeping that my head drops involuntarily and I snap awake. I try to pass it off as hearing something interesting and writing it in my notebook (which is in my lap). No one has said anything about it so far so I'm hoping no one noticed...

Monday evening I went to a Lebanese restaurant with my family. Delicious!!! I love Lebanese food. Was so tired though. When I came back I went straight to bed and slept between 8:45pm to 6:40am.
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