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Mar 15, 2012 22:59

So lately I've been seeing the school therapist. I've just been there twice, but haven't decided yet if it's anything for me. I can't tell whether the therapist knows her shit or whether she's just giving me stuff like "write down one positive thing a day"  because she don't know what else to do... she could also be competent in the field but the field itself could be bullshit. Regardless, during this week I have written down one positive thing each day. It's surprisingly hard. I guess it takes practice. I guess that's the theory behind it; once you have practised enough you start noticing the positive things in your life easier. So far, I've written:

11/3: Went down to the lake w mum + dogs, nice weather.
12/3: Nice weather, presentation of thesis went OK.
13/3: Not as hectic day. nice weather. saw the first spring flowers. went to the public garden w Anja, Sofia, Mats and Dina.
14/3: Nice weather
15/3: Made the last changes in the thesis

I think that writing "nice weather" all the time makes it sound a bit depressing, but with the exception of today, the weather has been really nice. I've been mostly happy due to THB and me working out when we will see each other next, the stress of not knowing whether the thesis would be passed is gone and things being OK with my family. Today has been a bit annoying due to finances. I have two unexpected things I need to pay next month, on top of wanting to get tickets to see THB and needing to save up for Kenya. It WILL work out, just maybe not in a way that I'm 99% happy with.

My jaw is friggin painful right now, for no reason! I get tense jaws when I'm stressed, but the stress has been better recently so there's no point in it hurting more now.

Anyhow, I hope everyone on my f-list is doing well. I haven't been good at commenting on other people's posts,- I will try to make up for it this weekend.
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