Jan 23, 2012 18:01
I'm currently way too energetic and experiencing happiness mingled with terror.
'cause I found out a couple of hours ago that I was accepted to the student exchange program in Kenya. Me and one of my friends from my class have each been offered a spot at Moi University this summer. Insane!! Wow.
I always wanted to go, in fact I remember being interested in this exact spot two years ago. It's only offered to students in my grade so this was my only shot at getting it. I came close to not applying, because I had misunderstood the deadline for handing in applications so I wrote mine maybe 3 days before it was due,- I thought for sure someone else would be better qualified to go than me! Gahh! I've only told the friend I'm going with, as well as my dad, who wasn't particularly exited (it messed up his vacation plans).
I'm fully intending to accept the offer. Part of me knows I will definitely get home-sick and during some days regret going, because I will miss the comfort of home and feel totally out of place the first week at least. But I know once I've gotten past that, it will be the an amazing experience. It's "only" for 6 weeks, but that's still a long time in a place that is so different and so far away from what I'm used to. It's not like I can just call home if I feel like it either.
In short: Kenya 2012, ''O_O :D