frugal is the new black

Feb 11, 2009 13:19

Ways I am saving money , and not just because of the Ireland trip but FOREVER!!!!

*Making my morning tea at the office instead of going to Timothy's next door. I save $1.65 per day

*Wearing pants to work (as much as I hate pants) so I don't have to wear pantyhose - huge savings - each pair of pantyhose is like $2.50 x 5 days a week = a shitload of money.

*Cleaning my apartment (most of it) only using water and vinegar. Big savings and don't have to use too much chemical based cleaners which is bad for the cats anyways.

*Eating breakfast at home, bringing my own lunch to work everyday, and limiting take out dinners to once every 2 or 3 weeks. Dining out with friends/family is different but limiting that as well because of the diet.

I am open to any other suggestions!
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