May 05, 2005 00:39
so, on the subject of my school friends.
I used to have great friends at school that I would always be with.
Sun mi, Nick, John, Phil, Lena, Kristina, Miriam, Rebecca, Kathleen, and Dwayne.
that was my crew haha.
but I guess as time went by I started distancing myself from them.
I'm sun mi's brother in law so we'll always be in touch.
nick hates me now because I'm an asshole to him.
nick used to be one of my BEST friends...
now I don't even look at him when I pass by him.
John...yeah well he always copys my style so yeah...I guess I'll try not to notice it so much.
Phil, I'm still good friends with.
Lena got a boyfriend and pretty much sticks with him, sunmi, and john.
Kristina is fucking awesome.
Miriam is one of the coolest girls I've ever met.
Rebecca is one of those girls who will leave her friends for her boyfriend so we lost touch.
Kathleen, is one of my best best friends. I'm sorry I haven't been able to call you :( I'm going through some personal stuff.
Dwayne got realllly sick, we thought he had cancer! But now he's okay.
A part of me wishes to just make up with everyone and become friends again.
but a part of me is so happy that I'm not as good as friends with them anymore.
Well it doesn't matter now does it?
They're all going to VCU/not going to college, while I'm going to GMU.
I've made some great friends now that I sorta had a falling out with my friends.
The garbers are still my best friends in the whole wide world <3
Seriously, I would not know what I would be like if it wasn't for them.
Sierra, my misty<3, is my best girlfriend ever.
I love her and I would move the stars for her.
Jenn, wow...jenn and I have gone through CRAZY shit together.
Words can't even describe what we've gone through haha.
I guess this is suppose to be a pseudo apology to all my friends who I don't talk to that much.
I want you guys to know that I still care about you guys.
I don't want to forget you guys because all of you are important to me.
I'm just really fucked up in the head right now.
sorry <3