Dec 27, 2010 23:46
Removed all/most fanfic readers.
Closed fanfics.
Did not close:
-jaesu fanfics
-jaeho_detox-posted entries.
If you are able to find my fanfic links to my fanfics at jaeho_detox, then :), if not, then i dunno.. the jaeho_detox entries will be for those members only. join jaeho_detox if you want to read those. not every chapter is there though, sorry.
Any comments, questions, complains, write them here.
sorry for any inconvenience.
i did this tonight because i wasn't going to be home around New Years.
At any rate, thank you all so much for your support up until now.
I will try to write some yunjae or jaesu in the future to post!
Thank you all again!
Goodbye for now :) <3
;writer's block,