Title: Silver Moon Shine
Author: joongielove
Pairing: Jaeho...of course.
Rating: PG-13..for now.
Length: Series.
Genre: Angst, romance
Annnnnnnnnddddddd, I'm back! After a two year hiatus, I'm starting to write again. No bashing if it's bad. >_< be nice please!
Silver Moon Shine
As the moon rose in the sky, the young Korean stared out into the distance. He stared across the dark field, where the grass all seemed to be whispering to each other, the beads of water on them from the evening’s storm glistening a shimmery silver. He stared up at the moon, watching as the clouds moved in front of it, acting as a cover for what the moon was trying to show.
He sighed. Yeah, I guess everyone has something to hide…
Another sleepless night in Seoul. Alone, with only his wandering, erratic, possible dangerous thoughts to accompany him, JaeJoong slid back into bed. He tried to calm the worry, and the fear, but despite his best efforts, they still came up to haunt him.
It was five months ago, get over him already.
But it was much easier said than done. Five months ago, Yunho vanished. His longtime boyfriend of five years, just vanished into thin air. Knowing this was nothing like him, nothing like the logical, responsible man he was, JaeJoong set out to find him. Yet after the police of the town, and the three local towns bordering Seoul got involved, Yunho was still nowhere to be found. After traveling back to his hometown of Gwanju, and still, no sign of him. It was like he just didn’t exist anymore. His credit card was closed, all existing accounts closed, and cell phone deactivated. It truly puzzled JaeJoong, but he knew, after the combined force of an entire police team, plus numerous family and friends, that he was the only one left fighting this losing battle. On nights like this, when the wind is softly whistling, and the silver moon shine makes everything look eerie, he still feels Yunho there. He can still feel his strong arms wrapping around him, the warmth of his body as it’s curled up behind him, and the loving kisses. All that was gone now though.
A soft knock startled him from his reverie. His footsteps made a light thump-thump, thump-thump,
as he made his way across the room to his bedroom door. He just moved to a one-bedroom studio apartment, a good distance away from the loft he and Yunho used to share. Every time after Yunho disappeared, all he could imagine was Yunho everywhere in that loft. Yunho in his chair, drinking coffee and smiling that laugh that melted his heart. Yunho, lying in bed waiting for him to be finished washing up. Yunho, singing loudly in the shower, knowing it would make him laugh. He was surrounded by the ghost of a man who had just vanished.
He opened the door to see a shadow disappearing around the corner. Stepping out into the hallway, his foot crunched on something. A plain white envelope. Jaejoong bent over to pick it up. Scribbled across the front, in messy writing, was his name. His breath caught in his throat. No…this couldn’t be.
It was Yunho’s handwriting.