I hate wednesdays

May 07, 2009 00:36

I'm like garfield on the wrong day of the week and without an insatiable hunger for lasagna and not a cat

so basically not like garfield at all. anyway

Uh today was alright I guess, well not really I hate wednesdays as previously stated. I had class all day and then a horrible chem lab, took us over 3 hours to finish. IT WAS HORRIBLE. However on the bright side lead iodide is really cool, it is bright yellow and sparkles like gel pen ink. I got it everywhere. Also HCl eats through ink pigment WHO KNEW good thing I 'accidentally' spilled it on Zack's paper :3 he was being a total douche in lab though, not very helpful. He was goofing off and talking instead of working for a lot of it; wouldn't have been as irritated if it was a short lab (even without goofing off other groups finished only slightly before we did) because we KNEW it would be a long lab. Also he kept asking "lolz what is going on" and I wanted to smack him upside the head. I finally convinced him that he needs new clothing. He buys shit that is too big for him and is really boring and from walmart/goodwill only (they can suppliment wardrobes, they shouldn't be the primary source of them!) and I had to spell it out that baggy clothing = do not care/sloppy/does not take care of self, and if that is true how can you take care of a relationship? SUBCONSCIOUS. FIRST IMPRESSIONS. IMPORTANT.

I feel very whiny today so I hope you all like some more whining

Diane is really condescending when she is trying to prove you wrong. I swear it wouldn't be so bad if she was just stubborn but she has to make it sound like she thinks you have an extra chromosome. And I don't even ask as many dumb questions as she does. Lactose is not a peptide. It is not hydrolized by a peptidase. It is hydrolized (at least I think that's how it gets broken down... I need to study for that quiz still) by a saccharidase BECAUSE IT IS A SACCHARIDE NOT A PROTEIN and she's making me look like an idiot because she won't stand for being wrong? I really don't mind being proven wrong I just don't want you to talk down to me while you're doing it. I texted Brad like right after the "discussion" occured today in bio asking if I am ever condescending when I am trying to prove him wrong. Because, you see, he said sometimes I do things that I complain about Diane doing, so I am making an effort to change that because I don't want to be like her and piss off everyone around me. He said no, I am just really argumentative and stubborn. I'll take that over condescending ANY day.

Oh apparently I am a retard and my lab report for bio lab was totally wrong. My TA emailed me like "uh you're retarded I'd have to give you like 3/50 if you don't revise this" so she is giving me until Friday. what a doll! she is so nice.

hmm what else oh I have a gyno appointment tomorrow. I need a new birth control because mine is absolutely stupid and horrible. I mean I'm sure it's effective at keeping me not pregnant even if we didn't also use condoms (hard to get pregnant when you're abstinent due to 600 miles between you and your significant other :V) but there are too many side effects. I've been on this stupid thing for over a year, I shouldn't have spotting/breakthrough bleeding halfway through a pack without fail every month. Plus it's got some other nasty side effects that nobody else wants to know about but suffice to say I never experienced some of this stuff before I got on birth control. YAY VAGINAS

related note: men really have it lucky. no periods, no being pregnant/going through childbirth, no boobs. I hate going bra shopping. You have to do terrible, embarrassing things in the fitting room to make sure your bra can last you through normal wear. I'm talking shimmying shaking squeezing and all kinds of other things. You're welcome for the laughs, security guard guys watching the dressing room footage.

whiny mcwhinerson, vaginas, gyno, diane, boobs, zack, biology, bras, brad, chemistry, lab, birth control

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