(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 15:36

I have a second LJ account just so I can look at my joomer one and check to make sure my private entries really are private. Color me paranoid. And where did the "color me _____" originate. I'm dating myself by even mentioning that, I think. This weekend a friend made that comment, you know, that she was dating herself because she knew what "taking a whizz" meant. She said that phrase is just not used today. Is it not?

And that phrase "I'm dating myself" it just...sounds...weird. Kinda like you're admitting to masturbating or something, except it's the other meaning for "dating". And why would someone admit to masturbating...because...everybody does it...I guess. I just don't picture some people I know doing it.




Excuse me while I go scrub my brain out with soap...there are just some images I don't want on my mind.
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