Two birthdays and 4 slits

May 20, 2004 22:21

Happy birthday Nick and Fergie. <== that has energy I swear.

I went home today after second period. I couldn't handle being at school. Everyone and everything was driving me nuts. So I left. I came home and took a long shower, made myself a pizza and watched the first 20 chapters of Jackie Brown. It's actually really good, confusing but good. I have 6 more chapters to go. I fell asleep just as chapter 21 was starting and I was pleasantly surprised when Andrew woke me up by kissing me during chapter 24. We hung out and just were together for a bit. Then Levi came home and we didn't have the house to ourselves, but not much changed. We were fine just being together. Or.. I was. We decided to eat something and watch Bowling For Columbine and then my mom came home. I searched for Jack, john, and Fergie, but I couldn't find them. It made me sad. I wanted to hang out with Fergie tonight. Instead Andrew and I hooked up with Nim and got Jamba, then we hung out at Waluga Park for a bit. Then we tried getting home and we failed. We were driving around on Waluga, B...ta, and Carmen. I think that the B...ta is like Belita or Bentita or something.. it sounds mexican and we saw the guy who walks and it was neat. Then Andrew went home =( and Nim came over after we drove up some streets and junk. Then she came over and she helped me move my room around..kinda. It feels good to do things that change the atmosphere. I need some change.

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