To whom it may concern:

May 04, 2009 14:49

I've decided I want to name my first born daughter either Summer Rose or Rose Summer.
Or have 2 daughters - one named Rose and the other Summer. I'm not sure why I started thinking about names for babies but its whatever.

I haven't been updating my lj in such a long time. Mainly because I've been busy, but also because I've been keeping track of my thoughts and life in a different form.
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is a book about rekindling the artist within. I started reading the book at Hastings on Saturday with Garrett but it was too boring (in my personal opinion - its been a great inspiration and help to millions of others, but I was not a fan).
However, something she talks about is called "Morning Pages" and basically you sit down every morning when you first wake up and write non stop for three minutes. It's in stream of conscience style, meaning that you just write whatever comes to your head without any kind of planning or forethought or editing, just writing.

I don't write in the mornings because I value my sleep, but I do find time to do it everyday and I just write until I have nothing left to say. It really helps clear the junk from your head and after about the 3rd page, I start writing really profound and insightful things.

I think everyone should get an old crappy notebook or a pile of paper in a manilla folder and do this everyday. You will open yourself up to inspiration, see insightful truths, discover more about yourself, and have a hard true copy of your life (because you don't censor anything) at this time in your life.
I am also a firm believer in art journals - everyone should have one to put images of their life and feelings down on paper - a more creative and interesting way of diary keeping.

As of right now, being bogged down with Design projects, I don't have an art journal but will get one as soon as the semester is over and I feel like the art I create wont be harshly judged or have to be perfect. But with my ugly green book of stream of conscience pages, I don't need to post in this as often.

Sorry. I really only use this for communities or watching interesting people. Occasionally I will write poems or essays about things I care about and want others to read, but it wont be all the time.
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