Jan 26, 2007 20:39
Hmmm today was amazing and bad. ... more amazing than bad though, so that's swell. ^^
Woke up... REALLY, REALLY didn't wanna get outta bed... haha I actually almost fell back to sleep, but then I heard my dad's voice call my name and ask if I was awake. haha... sooo yea.... took that dang stupid horrible VERY COLD bus. *Sigh* Talked to Holly at the bus stop... haven't seen her in a while. Oooooh man.... it was extremely freezing.
Got to schoooool. Had history first, Jess walked me to Boydo's... she called him "Fluffy" haha oh man. Then Boyd goes, "Shut up -_-" It was funny hah. So yea. Anyway. Ummm yea. Test. -_-. *sigh* I read the whole chapter.... yet I think I still failed the test. Oh man. I almost forgot. I get to class. And I'm sitting there studdying.... and Boyd calls me up... so I'm just like ok. And he gives me this yellow pass, that says I hafta leave at 8:10 for a conference with Mrs. Parangelie (How ever you spell her name) I was just like .......... omg omg omg what did I do. I didn't do anything. Then I started thinking of what I could have possibly done..... I started to think my stupid mom called the school or something, idk why she would..... well whatever. So yea. I was like, "Becca I'm scared! What did I do!!?" haha and she's like, "Oh don't worry about it" haha. Well yea. boyd told me that I had to go after I finished the test. So I was like alright. Sooo I took the whole period to finish the test... kind of on purpose haha. So then I went to the office when the bell rang. I was trying to prolong my little ... hmm what's the word... I don't know but I was trying to miss as much of chem as possible cause I had a quiz that I wasn't ready for. hah. So. I went down. And there were like 5 kids there already waiting (They all seemed to be like "bad" kids haha like Carey.... this other kid... and this other girl... and thennn I wanna sayyyy Ashley....), and they all seemed to have yellow passes. So I was like, "Are you guys all here for a conference with Periangeli?" And they were all like yea. And then I was like, "I don't know why I'm here." And then this one girl was all, "Did you skip a class? Did you not show up for in house? Were you late a bunch of times??" Haha I was like, "Nooo" and then yea they didn't know why either. And I wasn't going on the Foreign Language trip either. So I was kinda liiiike oh man what did I doo haha. And yea. I was waiting there for a whicked long time. Emily Dooby was in there... discussing whatever... and yea. She took forever. Then the 2 other guys went in. And yea. It took a whicked long time haha, lots of bad kids doing bad things, you know. ;)
Soo yeaaa... and then Mrs. Lizotte said something to me... and she kind of waved... haha I didn't know what she said, I thought she wanted to see my pass, so I was like... confused ish look on my face haha. And then after I was like hmm I think she was just saying hi to me... and I fealt like a loser after haha. But whatevs.
So anyway. Then. I went into her office. And sat down. And she was just like, do you know Miss Glies.... something, crap I forgot her name. I have her for study every other day. And I yea so I was like "Yes, I have her for study" So then she's like, you were marked absent yesterday for that class. Like implying that I skipped it or something. And I was just like ???? whaaaaaaat????? I told her that I was there, and that we even filled out a seating chart.... and she asked me if I wrote my name on the seating chart. So I was like yep. I was kinda mad... stupid teacher... marked me absent... when I was totally there. So then Pierangeli just told me to go talk it over with her. And yea I didn't have her today so I'm going to have to talk to her tomorrow. And I HIGHLY DOUBT she will remember if I was there. *Sigh* If she says that I still wasn't there I will be very pissed. It's not my fault she can't figure out how to read a seating chart.... never mind figuring out where my seat is, my fricking name was right there... oy vey >< I have whitnesses haha. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. ><
So yea. Then... I get to chem... with only like 8 minutes left. And Doc Mill was like, "You've been in the office sence 8:10?" And I was like, "Well I had to take a history test and then I went down." And then she was like, "But you had a quiz in here!" And man... I didn't know what to say to that.... I was just like uhhhh like an idiot. I was supposed to go down after my history test, so that's what I did.... Idk >< Whatever. Liz missed it too when she was also in the office. So yea. I told her I could stay after on Monday and take it. ... and then Shauna's like, "Do you have a study?" I just got my study, I should have said no but I was like "Yess shhhh" Cause I really, really wasn't prepared for the quiz. And plus I had stuff I had to get done. And then she just kind of looked at me like... "You should take the quiz during ur study slacker" and yea. So I was just like whatever, I can't do that. *sigh* anyway. I was glad I missed it.
Then. I had Simoes study. With Dan. And Dan comes in with a pass from Pobst to go up to her room (She has a Latin 1 class period 3) So of course you know Pobst, she DEFF would not have minded if I went up with Dan. So I added my name on the pass. But. Stupid me. I had just asked Simoes if he had any passes left for the library, and he said no. And I think he saw me write my name down on Dan's pass anyway. But yea. So We go up to leave and Simoes was all, "No, you just wrote her name down on that pass, she can't go blah blah." hah he was almost like yelling at Dan. And then, I HATE lying so I just kind of stood there and I was about to say yes, but then Dan goes, "No, she just went to go ask Miss Pobst, and she said yes" I was just like ohhh mannnn Dannnnnn. haha I wish he hadn't said that. Then Simoes was like, "She just asked me for a pass to the library" So yea... that was that... and Dan left and said that he would tell Pobst to call or something. I fealt kinda bad haha. So then I start doing my Latin homework... and Dan comes back, and he gives me a pass, and I was all, " :D " haha and Simoes was like oh ok that's fine. haha I think he thought that he totally cought us.... but then Dan actually came back with a pass... it was kind of a HA moment... haha but naw Simoes knows both of us, from track and I had him Freshman yr. And plus he knows Adam, and he also has sloth this yr too. So Idk. Whatevs.
Soo Dan and I go up.... to the Latin 1 class, to hang out and we sit in the back ;) . Haha it was really cute to see them learning 1st and 2nd declension nouns. And plus Karen and Jen-ay are in that class. It was whicked funny though haha Dan and I were laughing, they were all reciting the rows of nouns... aw man what was one of them.... hmmmm... man I can't remember. But when our row came, Dan and I said it along with them. It was hilarious. Everyone had to like cover their paper, when they were reciting the noun, but they were all trying to peek. It was silly. ...I did some latin hmwk... (Finished the 20-10) Dan was doing my sentence completion wkst haha cause he was bored. So yea. We had fun. And Dan was telling me about how he was called an asshole O___O eek haha.
So then. We had Latin... and I was like, "Miss Pobst, that was a good review." haha she was all like yeaa yea. And I asked her if I could come up more often, and she said sure! Come up whenever you want. haha so that's good. I could use it anyway. ^^
**"And I'm cold as ice..."