DUDE!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 10, 2007 13:24

Today my cheacher told me something that i never knew! and i nearly had a heart attack when he told me!!! he said that that damn DC sniper fool from like 4 years ago, killed someone in tucson!!! he killed him right at pima east where i have my class!!! apparently he lived in seattle or some shit, and he was like, i am going to drive around the country and see what i can do. so he was like practicing for DC apparently and he saw a man standing there and shot him and then went on to DC! and i guess he was like, i wont stop till someone pays me ONE MILLION DOLLARS!! and thats so gay, i will never understand that shit because if someone gives you the moeny, they will know where you are and who you are, and your ass will be arrested and put in the damn electric chair before you can even spend that shit!!!!!!!!!! people are so fucking crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, and also, the book for my class is soooooooooooooo cute!!! its like one of those books that people have in the movies and olden days because its hardback and little and black and has like gold words on the cover. i love it!!! and it only weighs like an ounce, i want to keep it forever!
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