Thirty Days of Torchwood: Day Six and Day Seven

Mar 16, 2011 12:42

Forgot this yesterday...ooopsie.

Day 06: Something You Liked That Most People Didn't

Lol. Shall I just say CofE? There are flaws and holes, but seasons one and two were littered with them too, and there are certain OOC aspects I disagree with. But essentially it was good, on the edge of my seat TV. I was gripped from start to finish and anything that can make me bawl that much is good story telling and damn fine acting. Plus, I may be a sick bastard, but the way the story line spiralled to the ending and the inevitable decision that Jack had to take I thought was great. It provoked argument and debate and that is rarely a bad thing,

Shame about all the batshit cray it spawned.

Day 07: Favourite Alien/Villain

Captain John Hart. Sexy, funny, awesome costume. Brilliant mix of selfish nasty, unrepentant serial killer, and sexy lover with a heart of slightly tinted gold. He has a devil in his dick and a twinkle in his eye and a wonderfully lax sense of morals. His love for Jack is real and believable - bettered only by his love for himself - as are his motivations for his actions. He's acted fabulously, with great changes in tone and pace that keep you wanting more. Sexy and self assured he is a character I would love to see come back.

Did I mention sexy?

thirty days of torchwood, meme

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