Okay, thought I’d throw a mini update your way as so many of you are being so lovely.
Went back to Docs today and got first lot of bloods results (waaay earlier than expected, ra) All the big nasties like liver, kidney, thyroid function etc are all normal. Hurrah. My blood count re anaemia is also fine.
However there are other discrepancies in my blood, mast particularly a low level of B12. Discussing my diet I eat the kinds of food that B12 is in so it would appear that my body isn’t processing it properly for some reason. So, I went for some more blood tests to figure that bit out and hopefully get the results before the end of the week.
I’m signed off work until I can walk in a straight line, but my bosses are being brilliant. And now the big nasties are showing as fine the doc has given me something that should help the dizzy..
So…getting somewhere.
Thanks again for all your kind messages, my flist is just lovely; thank you.