Jan 25, 2011 14:00
Title: Where the Monters Hide
Fandom: Original
Words: 200
Rating/warnings: PG
Disclaimer: All mine
AN: Written a while back for the prompt "monters"
Your parents were right you know.
The monsters aren’t hiding under the bed. All those nights of jumping from the door to the mattress lest the monsters grabbed your tasty, naked ankles, were in vein.
And they don’t live in the wardrobe either. Closing the door at night is not enough to keep them from you; to stop them watching you with their hungry eyes.
Because the monsters are already inside. They live in your head and wait until your guard is down and then they strike.
The monsters wrap their leathery wings around you; surrounding you, holding tight, an embrace that’s almost a comfort. They sink their ice cold talons into your mind and heart, spreading venom through your body until you no longer know what’s real and what’s a lie.
They whisper in your ear and paint pictures in your head. Planting seeds of ideas the monsters take your thoughts; wrapping them and twisting them in their calloused hands, changing them, changing you.
They coax and cajole, fetid breath hot against your cheek, and as you succumb and do their bidding you can let yourself smile because you finally know.
There are no monsters.
There is only you.