Drove from Newcastle back up to Glasgow. I have decided that this is my favourite journey so far. The first hour and a bit is on a single lane A-road rather than the motorway and it sort of meanders through the hills so the view is lovely almost the entire way. Northern England has always held my favourite landscapes and this sort of Cumbria area has definitely put itself high on my list.
I also got to re-visit what has to the friendliest petrol station in the world. I stopped there on the way down and held out to go back there on the way back up as they are just so lovely and friendly. And the coffee may have come out of a machine but it was still better than some of the other stuff I have had this trip. It is no longer about the service stations people, oh no. It’s all about the petrol stations now baby.
Anyhoo. Motorway was eventually reached and that’s when the snow started. As pretty as it was driving between snow covered hillsides, driving in horizontal snow is not a great deal of fun. Although it was oddly exciting and I actually really enjoyed the challenge. I need to change my definitions of exciting….
But I made it to
shamazipan ’s in one piece, just in time to go out to see the Braehead Clan play the Hull Stingrays in a home game. This game was a lot more exciting as it was really close all the way through. But, sadly, we did lose 5 - 4 in the end.
And (this day just goes on and on) also at
shamazipan ’s now are
stargazer60 and Nicole who are over for panto. Tomorrow is panto and meet up day. Can’t wait.
I shall leave you with some things we have learnt today.
1. As previously discussed hockey chants don’t work nearly as well with an English accent. When that English accent has started coming out as a strangled squeak when you try and inject any kind of volume, it goes more wrong than you can imagine. And I suggest you don’t try as you will hurt yourself laughing.
2. On a similar vein, but discovered first, having a slightly wrecked throat is awesome when pursuing the continued quest to sound like Janis Joplin. However pursuing the continued quest to sound like Janis Joplin is not so awesome for an already slightly wrecked throat.
shamazipan will have nothing to do with the marmite and that’s for the best as she has no idea how to treat it.
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