Roof Diving

Nov 02, 2010 00:07

“Uh oh. I think I have a problem.” Parker pulled her face into a perturbed scowl as an unexpected visitor appeared, disturbing her plans.

Jack Harkness was also slightly surprised. He spent a lot of time on this roof top and had never found an angry looking blond dressed in black up here before. Though it was something he could happily get used to.

“What are you doing up here?” He used his authoritative voice and put his hands on his hips so his coat went extra billowy.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” Parker replied in a somewhat unconvincing way. Jack watched warily as she backed even closer to the edge of the rooftop.

“Hey, be careful, don’t get too close…” Jack’s warning was cut off as Parker turned her back on him and took an elegant swan dive off the building.

Jack rushed to the edge and peered over, wearing a look of horror at what he expected to see. He was somewhat surprised to instead see the blond land catlike on the pavement, look up at him, give him a smile and a wave and run away.

Jack scowled and called down; “I can do that too you know!”

crossover, parker, leverage, fanfic, captain jack harkness, torchwood

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