Moment - A pair of drabbles

Sep 09, 2010 21:05

Title: Moment
Fandon: Torchwood
Challenge: tw100 prompts: gilt and guilt
Characters/Pairings: Tosh and Owen
Rating/Warning: PG
Spoilers: Set directly after Adam, but no spoilers. 
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood

It was beautiful; a moment so perfect that Tosh’s heart enveloped it as her eyes would feast on a work of art.

The look in his eyes, pouring deep into hers. The way his hand stilled as he passed the card to her, their fingers so close, yet not quite touching. The way he smiled; a smile she hadn’t seen before; a smile just for her. The way he paused, freezing that perfect moment in time.

But it wasn’t what he said. It was what he didn’t say that poured gold onto that perfect moment.

He only denied the apology.

As he exited the Hub Owen tried to work out why he had done it.

A simple thing; a spur of the moment decision. Smirking, laughing and mocking had suddenly given way to something he hadn’t expected.

But he hadn’t stopped talking; never stop talking. But keeping talking didn’t stop him not saying things. Didn’t stop him not saying what he should have said.

He’d seen the look in Tosh’s eyes. Seen the spark of realisation, the swell of hope.

The guilt gnawed at him already. What he didn’t say would be shattered by what he knew he’d never do.

toshiko sato, tw100, fanfic, drabble, torchwood, owen harper

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