Title: Keeping it Buried
tw100 picture prompt
Characters/Pairings: Gwen. Mentions of Ianto, Owen and Tosh
Rating/Warning: PG
Spoilers: For CoE
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood
Gwen’s been supervising the excavation and cleanup for days now. Watching as the remains of their lives are dug up, salvaged were possible, disposed of where not.
She’s seen so much come and go she hardly feels it anymore.
Then a keyboard is thrown onto a skip; broken, covered in mud and grime, keys missing. It’s so everyday, so normal something in her breaks again.
She can see Tosh’s hands dancing on the missing keys; she can see Owen brandishing it, wanting to play paper-ball tennis; sees Ianto shouting about sticky finger prints.
She wishes some things could stay buried.