Not Waistcoat Wednesday

Mar 20, 2014 21:21

It has been a long time (veeeeery long) since I last did a Waistcoat Wednesday so this week I thought I would amend that. However, I started researching with my favourite current crush and got somewhat…distracted. So it turned into Wet Shirt Wednesday.

Then yesterday I got distracted by a gazillion other things and totally missed posting altogether.

So, then I thought it could be Wet T Thursday, but they are not all in T-shirts. Then I thought Wet Top Thursday, but that really doesn’t scan. Wet Top Tuesday sounds much better. Then I thought you have a folder full of pretty boys in wet tops so shut the fuck up and post them already.

So here is a Non Alliterative Selection of Men in Wet Clothing

This is the image that started it all. Mr Nicholas sexy pecs Brendon

Which led to the Angelic David Boreanaz

Jake Gyllenhaal mixing it up with a black top. The bot does like to be different. And apparently I like him to be wet.

My favourite Spartacus cast member. Looks good in (and out) of anything. Dan Feuerriegel

Well hellllllooooooo, RDJ.

I’m not the tiniest bit sorry.

As always, if you have any favourite men in wet shirts pics you want to share with the class, well, don’t let me stop you.

(incidentally I have not included women in this as any wet shirt search you do brings up a ton of women first. Even searching 'wet actors' Google defaults to 'wet actress'. This is my silent protest!)

david boreanaz, rdj, non alliterative selection of men in wet, nicholas brendon, waistcoat wednesday, jake gyllenhaal, dan feuerriegel

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