Back with promises!

Jan 13, 2013 20:06

Evening all, how is this Sunday finding you all?

There have been many bad effects of this stupid illness but one is that my concentration is shot to hell. This means I can't do loads of things that I enjoy; I can't write, reading is a no-no, I got bored halfway through conversations, etc, etc. Audiobooks have pretty muched saved my sanity lately.

But I really miss all these things and the writing in partic used to be such a help to me that it is a huge shame I can't do it any more. So, I am going to make it happen. I'm kinda at a stage in my treatment where mind over matter really starts to play a part, so from tomorrow I start writing a minimum of 100 words a day. (This also helps my inability to commit to anything at the moment.)

And to make sure it happens emyrldlady is policing my efforts.

To kick-start me she has given me a couple of prompts, the first one due today. I've also got a ton of part-started fics and still lots of ideas, so hopefully by pushing myself I'll get back into the swing of things and get my mojo back. Hopefully it will help my concentration too and I can start to read all your lovely work again.

Miss you all.

(PS, this is the first time in a very long time that I actually feel able to use this tag.)

i have depression - it does not have me

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