We can go where we want to, a place where they will never find

May 01, 2012 16:33

*hugs LJ*

Thank you all for being so lovely on Friday. I’m sorry I didn’t reply to everyone, but I can’t tell you how much your words meant to me. I wigged out completely on Friday and ended up calling the crisis line and they were brilliant. A very nice woman talked me down from wherever the fuck it was I’d gone to and then I read all your responses and it really, really helped.

Through work I have access to a free councillor and I have just been for a chat with a lovely lady in oc health (not the stupid wanky doctor thankfully) and she is going to sort out some sessions for me in the next couple of weeks. We’re damn lucky to have this service here and I am appropriately grateful. I’ve also talked to my boss. We don’t get a long brilliantly, but this is one area that she is really understanding in so that helps a lot too. I’m in that weird position now where the only person not trying to make me feel better is me! Stupid head.

I also had a fantabulous time with my girls in Cardiff at the weekend. I helped the local brewery with their profits, saw a very good local history exhibit in the Old Library (a great example of oral and real-people history if you’re interested and get the chance to go), and went to a great fun gig on the Saturday night were we danced a lot and I got to make new friends *g*. And and the end of the evening the drummer and lead singer were arguing over which of them got to drive us hmoe. and I feel that every gig we go to from here on in should end that way. (I also got told I was very lovely by someone I just met, so the ego was relatively pleased as well.)

Thank you all again for your being made of awesome. Smooches to you all.

(Oh, and more randoms lyrics in the title. Again prizes for guessing)

i have depression - it does not have me

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