Question mem thingy

Mar 01, 2012 21:11

Questions from

What is your proudest achievement?
Probably my Masters. I was doing my MA while my boyf at the time was doing his PhD. We had bugger all money to make rent or anything else so I did two part time jobs while studying full time. Saturday was my only day off and I put in about 14 hour days the rest of the time. It’s the hardest I’ve ever worked and I got the fucking degree to boot. Anyone who’s been in the same position will get it.

I think I would also say diagnosing a silent MI (a heart attack without chest pain) over the phone, when the GP who was with the patient missed it. I upgraded the call and was told I probably saved his life. That was also pretty cool.

What is your most precious possession?

This sounds weird, but I’m going to say me. It’s taken me a long time to like me, but I’m starting to. I’ve nearly lost myself a few times and didn’t care. Now I care and will do everything I can to keep myself.

If you could make a fictional character real, who would you choose and why?

Now, I spent a lot of time thinking about this. I thought Ianto Jones as I adore him, but I’d want to see him running around being BAMFy in a suit with a gun and we’d either get killed or arrested so that wouldn’t work. Then I thought Connor Temple because I reckon we’d be really good mates. We’d watch movies and geek out and drink coffee. Then I imagined the two of us both hyper on coffee and the damage it would cause to the world at large. THEN I though Spike (with the safety on) because, well, fuck, do I need to spell it out? But I realised I would never walk again and untimely that would not be good.

Then I came to my senses and realised that it could only be Joe Hardy. I have been in love with him since I was 7, and I’d follow him anywhere and we’d have totally awesome adventures.

What item of clothing would you love to own and why?

A leather corset. With silver buckles. Please.


Well, it’s a corset, and it’s leather and it has buckles and they are many of my favourist things all in one sexy, steel/leather combo. Is it weird to lust after clothes so?

If you would like to have questions, leave me a comment below!


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